April 01, 2010

It's about winning and losing.

The night Obama got elected an old friend of mine was going on and on about how America was now saved. All the jobs are going to magically come back, because Obama was going to repeal the evil Bush tax cuts for businesses going overseas, and instead was going to raise their taxes so those awful businesses will be forced to bring jobs back here. I said that the reason jobs are going overseas is because of the cost of labor, and Obama said that he wanted to raise the minimum wage. My progressive friend said "Well, this is a time to come together and be one country and support each other. Some people are such sore losers, its unbelievable."

Progressive Logic: Elections in America are about winning and losing, not about the Constitution or freedom or liberty or what is good for the country. When you realize you are wrong, quickly change the subject to how insensitive and heartless the other person is. If that doesn't work, make sure they know that they lost and you won in the last election.

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